Tanzania: Over 2,800 Buses Fitted With Car Tracking System

A TOTAL of 2,840 up country buses have been fitted with electronic car tracking system in an initiative expected to reduce operational costs and road accidents.
Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) Director General, Gilliard Ngewe said in Dar es Salaam yesterday that by installing the Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) police and owners will be able to locate the location of the vehicle and its speed across the country.
“The survey conducted by Sumatra shows that 76.4 per cent of road accidents were caused by human errors committed by drivers on one hand and pedestrians on the other hand,” he said. Vehicle tracking systems are hardware and software bundles that track vehicles, record the driving habits of employees, issues status reports and alerts when incidents or other events occur.
Read More: https://allafrica.com/stories/201901100422.html